The Salvation Army, Waterbury Corps
Social Service Programs Description
Emergency Family Shelter: The Emergency Family Shelter (EFS) is a 9 bedroom, 30 resident housing occupancy for family facing homelessness. Families entering the EFS are provided with a private bedroom, daily hygiene products, towels, sheets, pillows and blankets. Our families are provided with three meals a day provided by the shelter cook. The Head of Household creates a housing goal plan with our Shelter case manager focusing on immediate goals to obtain permanent stable housing for their family. The case manager will then provide weekly case management sessions to ensure that the steps to complete the goals are being meet. If the head of household needs any assistance with referrals or leads the case manager will assist each individual in the areas that they are having trouble succeeding in. A resource room is open for the residents to use with three computers to job search, resume write and keep contact with supports. The children are able to use the computers to play games and do homework. On site laundry services are provided for residents as well as laundry detergent. Our intake staff is available 24/7/365 to address any resident issues.
Coordinated Access Network (CAN): The Salvation Army, Waterbury Corps was awarded the lead agency by the United Way of Waterbury for the Waterbury region of the CAN. CAN is a mandate by The Department of Housing for every area of the state. The state is broken up into 8 CAN regions and is the central portal for all individual and families facing homelessness. The front line providers meet with these individuals to assist them and explore if they can be diverted away from the shelter system. If a diversion is not an option the front line staff will work directly with the person to obtain them shelter space. The lead agency collaborates with each participating agency to assure that all front line staff is performing their duties consistently throughout our region. The lead agency also obtains the data for our region and reports to funders and the Department of Housing.
The United Way’s Flex Fund: The United Way’s Flex Fund program is a one-time assistance program to prevent clients from entering into the homeless. This fund provides assistance if a client has fallen on a one time financial hardship but can prove that once assisted they can sustain their income to pay their monthly bills. The Salvation Army, Waterbury is the main portal agency for this fund and meets with individuals to prove eligibility before presenting the cases in front of the committee.
Food Pantry: The Salvation Army’s food pantry is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am-11:00am for families and individuals that are in need of food. Our food pantry focuses on “Client Choice” which is a program that allows our clients to actually shop our shelves to ensure they are receiving food items that they will like and not discard.
Bread & Pastry: Mondays & Wednesdays between 11:00-1:00 individuals and families are allowed to receive bread & pastry. Depending on the influx of supplies determines the amount each person is allowed. Rapid Rehousing: The Connecticut Rapid Rehousing Program is designed to assist homeless households (individuals and families) as they quickly move out of homelessness and into permanent housing through the provision of time limited housing support and strategies with the ultimate goal of stable housing. CT RRH uses a combination of housing location and stabilization services to move as quickly as possible into housing and achieve housing stability. CTRRH providers will work with their coordinated access networks. During the first six months in this program there is extensive case management. This would include getting medical referrals to maintain a healthy living environment as well as job enhancement training that will provide income in order to be able to eventually sustain the rent on their own. Case management will also include weekly case conferencing as well as frequent home visits. After the six month period the case management will decrease gradually according to the needs of the client. This will eventually help the client be able to sustain and maintain housing stability on their own.
Permanent Supportive Housing: Freedom Walk is a permanent supportive housing program. This program has been set up for families and individuals who have been homeless that are experiencing mental illness disorders or addiction issues. This program will allow them to have secure housing and are only required to pay a portion of their rent. Case management for this program would include bi-weekly check ins in the beginning phase and then move to monthly visits as well as home visits. Resources are provided by the case manager according to the needs of the client. This is based on assessments that take place every three months. The clients in this program are encouraged to find employment and work towards financial and housing success.
Christmas Present Assistance: Christmas assistance allows families to fill out an application for their children under the age of 12 to request two $25.00 presents. The Salvation Army connects with businesses and individuals who would like to purchase gifts on angel tags and hands the gifts out accordingly.
Holiday Food Assistance: The Salvation Army assistance families and individuals with holiday food assistance. Applications are taken in October and food is distributed the week of Thanksgiving and again the week of Christmas.
Energy Assistance: A low income family that is experiencing a hardship paying their utilities may be eligible for this program.
Summer Camp Assistance: The United Way provides funds to allow children ages 8-12 from low income families an opportunity to attend a session of summer camp. These applications are completed through The Salvation Army.
Mar 28, 20258:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Apr 04, 20258:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Apr 16, 202512:00 Noon - 2:00 PM
Apr 25, 20258:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Apr 30, 20255:30 PM - 7:30 PM
May 07, 202512:00 Noon - 2:00 PM